We all want the best for our four-legged friends, and do our best to provide them with a healthy, balanced diet. However, it can happen that certain nutrients are missing from their daily diet, which can affect their long-term health and well-being.

Fortunately, there are nutritional supplements enriched with vitamins and minerals that can help fill these nutritional gaps and maintain your pet's health.

We'll take a closer look at the benefits of food supplements for our faithful companions, and explain how they can contribute to their growth.


    • What is a pet food supplement?

    • The different kinds of dietary supplements for pets

    • The benefits of dietary supplements for pets

    • Which supplements for dogs?

    • What cat dietary supplements should I choose?

    • Why do birds need food supplements?

    • Which food supplements should I choose for my birds?


Dietary supplements for pets | AnimalsVit.com

What is a pet food supplement?

The nutritional supplements are products designed to be given in addition to an animal's basic diet, to make up for any nutritional deficiencies or to boost its health.

They can be in powder, capsule, tablet or liquid form, and can contain a variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics.

An unbalanced diet, lack of activity, seasonal variations, parasites, age or stress and anxiety are all factors that can impact your pet's health. In order to strengthen its natural defenses against certain forms of disease and to prevent nutritional deficiencies, the use of food supplements becomes necessary to meet its needs in essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, and thus contribute to keeping your pet in good health.


The different kinds of dietary supplements for pets

Dietary supplements provide an enormous boost for your pets, and some specialists classify them into two broad categories:

  1. Nutritional supplements these are generally sources of high-quality, easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are also enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Functional supplements these are products that can help your pet to improve its health in one way or another (e.g. joint support products).

t's important to note that, while some supplements may be beneficial for a given animal species, they may be harmful for others. For example, some supplements intended for cats do not have the same nutritional value for dogs, and vice versa.

Good to know

So, to help your pooch maintain good health, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian to determine your pet's specific nutritional requirements and select the right food supplements.


The benefits of dietary supplements for pets

Which supplements for dogs?

It's important to provide your dog with a diet suited to his needs throughout his life, to improve his bone structure, coat and skin health. Our dogs' nutritional requirements vary according to their age, stage of growth and breed.


To boost vitality, ensure proper growth and development, and improve coat quality, puppies need a diet rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and trace elements.

However, it's important to remember that puppies have very different nutritional needs to older dogs. 

Vitamins essential for puppies include :

Omega-3 fatty acids : essential for brain and eye development, as well as growth. They are found in salmon oil or flaxseed oil, which you can add to food or treats.

Vitamin E : Vitamin E helps keep skin healthy and supports immune system function. It is found in vegetable oils such as wheat germ oil and soybean oil.

Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals needed for strong bones and developing teeth. Calcium is also necessary for normal nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.

Compléments alimentaires pour chien

Adult dogs

Adult dogs generally have lower nutritional requirements than puppies. However, some mastiffs may have very specific needs, depending on their size, breed, activity level and state of health. 

These supplements include:


    • CBD, an anti-inflammatory treatment that can help relieve pain and inflammation in dogs.

    • Brewer's yeast can help maintain a healthy coat.

    • Spirulina is another nutritious option for adult dogs, as it's rich in protein and essential nutrients.

    • Green barley is rich in antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.

    • Harpagophytum is a plant used as a dietary supplement to relieve joint pain in dogs with arthritis.

    • Coconut oil has multiple benefits for adult dogs, helping to ensure a shiny coat.


What cat dietary supplements should I choose?

One of the main benefits of cat food supplements is their ability to improve your pet's digestive system. They can help prevent constipation and regurgitation, which can be particularly useful for older cats or those with chronic digestive problems.


In addition to their effect on digestive health, cat supplements can also improve your pet's coat. For example, Krill oil, rich in omega 3, helps maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat.


Some dietary supplements promote the cognitive development of kittens, stimulating their brains and improving their ability to learn and grow.


The cat dietary supplements can be used to treat joint pain caused by osteoarthritis, in addition to maintaining the overall health of your domestic feline. They are a key element in preserving the well-being of your little companion and maintaining its physical and even psychological health.

The benefits of dietary supplements for your cat

The benefits of cat dietary supplements vary according to your cat's age and needs. While kittens need different supplements from adult or older cats, there are a few essential types of food supplements that all cats should take.

Want to find out more? Here's an overview of vitamins and supplements for your pet.

Kefir milk

This is an excellent source of probiotics that can help regulate inflammation and boost your cat's immune system.

Formula milk

Rich in essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, making it a great option for feeding your kitten or older cat who needs extra nutritional support.

Calcium and vitamin D

To strengthen your cat's bones and prevent osteoporosis

Krill oil

Rich in omega 3, 6 and 9, essential fatty acids that help maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat.


Helps regulate your cat's digestive disorders. This plant is particularly useful for cats with a tendency to vomit or constipation problems.

Brewer's yeast

Can be added to your cat's food ration. It contains vitamins and minerals that help nourish and strengthen your pet's coat.

It's important to remember that every cat is unique, and his or her nutritional needs may vary according to age, weight and lifestyle.

The benefits of dietary supplements for your cat


Why do birds need food supplements?

Birds eat seeds from plants found in nature, but not all of them contain all the nutrients they need for proper development and health.

What's more, some seeds contain pesticides that can be fatal to small creatures if consumed in large quantities over time. So it's very important to provide your bird with the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy.

Birds need regular nutritional monitoring. The food supplements you administer to your birds must be adapted to their species, as must the doses.


Which food supplements should I choose for my birds?

The supplements for birds come in many forms, including liquid and powder. Liquid supplements can be added directly to drinking water, while powdered supplements should be mixed with the bird's dry food.

Whatever form you choose, it's important to note that the most common types of bird food supplements are as follows:

Vitamin A : Helps promote healthy vision in birds, especially chicks and juvenile birds, and improves eggshell quality.

Vitamin D3 : Necessary for bone strength and skeletal muscle development in birds.

Vitamin E : Protects against oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

Calcium : Necessary for strong bones and beaks in adults; important for eggshell formation and chick development.

Compléments alimentaires choisir pour ses oiseaux

Now you know! Our pets' diets are sometimes insufficient to cover all their needs. To preserve the overall health of dogs, cats and even birds, you should seek professional advice on how to treat your pet properly.