Learn how to take good care of your horses while riding this summer. Hydration, the right equipment, the right itineraries... Follow our advice for a safe and enjoyable riding experience under the sun!
For horse lovers and adventure enthusiasts, summer horseback riding is a truly unique experience. However, high temperatures and particular climatic variables can take their toll on our dedicated horses, making summer a very trying time for them. For these adventures to be successful, horses need to be properly prepared.

Together, we'll discover the secrets of a successful equestrian adventure this summer. We'll talk about the need to taking care of our horsesIt's essential to ensure their safety and comfort, so that your equestrian excursions are memorable and you can enjoy every stride with the utmost care.

Horse care and health in hot weather: Tips on preparing horses for trail rides

A. Equine hydration: Ensure adequate water intake for horses during summer trail rides.

Making sure your horses are well hydrated is essential during hot summer days. It is essential that responsible riders ensure that their equine partners have constant access to clean, fresh water during their equestrian excursions. Excessive sweating can lead to rapid dehydration in horses, which could compromise their health and performance.
During your rides, stop frequently to allow your horses to drink. Offer them water every hour, encouraging them to drink by pouring a small amount into a cup. You should also be alert to signs of dehydration, such as dry mucus, lack of skin elasticity and reduced urine production.

B. Summer feeding: how to adapt your horses' diet for rides in the sunshine

To meet their unique nutritional needs, the horse diet must be adapted to seasonal conditions. High temperatures can reduce horses' appetite, but maintaining their nutrient intake is crucial to their general well-being and stamina during equine excursions.

Favour quality forages that provide a lasting energy supply. Remember to include electrolyte-rich foods to compensate for electrolyte losses due to perspiration and maintain your horses' electrolyte balance.

You can count on the invaluable help of horse dietary supplements to maintain your animal's overall health and keep it in top form.

C. Managing heatstroke: Recognizing the signs and acting accordingly.

For the health of your horses in summer, heatstroke can pose a serious threat. It's essential for any responsible owner to be able to recognize the warning signs and react quickly in the event of a heat-related emergency.
During trail rides, keep a close eye on your horses for signs of overheating, such as excessive sweating, rapid, shallow breathing, increased heart rate and lethargy.
If you observe any of these symptoms, stop immediately, seek shade and offer your horse cold water. You can also cool your horses with water to help regulate their body temperature.
If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a veterinarian immediately for emergency treatment.

Physical preparation of horses

A. Progressive training: building endurance before summer rides

It's essential to physically prepare your horses before embarking on challenging summer rides. To improve their musculature, cardiovascular system and endurance, progressive exercises are essential. By going step by step, you can help them gradually adapt to the demands of prolonged physical exertion.
We offer them an extra dose of nutritional goodness by judiciously incorporating these vegetables and fruits into their diet for optimum health. However, it's crucial to know which varieties are appropriate for each animal species, as some may be harmful to them.

B. Hoof care: keeping feet healthy for summer terrain

During equestrian rides, horses' hooves play a crucial role as they provide stability and protection on a variety of terrains, including hot and dangerous summer surfaces. To avoid injury, it's essential to pay special attention to hoof care.

Make sure your horses' hooves are regularly exercised by a qualified farrier. Regular inspections can detect potential problems such as worn hoof irons or stones. To maintain hoof health and promote hydration, you may also consider using specialized health products. usés ou des cailloux. Pour maintenir la santé des sabots et favoriser leur hydratation, vous pouvez également envisager d’utiliser des produits de santé spécialisés.

Essential equestrian equipment and protection for safe summer riding

A. Choosing the right equipment for summer conditions

When planning your summer equestrian rides, make sure the equipment you use is suitable for the high temperatures and special climatic circumstances. Well-chosen equipment improves the comfort and well-being of your horses throughout the adventure.
To avoid chafing and pressure points, choose straps and bridles that adapt perfectly to each horse's morphology. Choose breathable materials for equipment to promote air circulation and prevent heat and moisture build-up.

Remember to use lightweight blankets to protect your horses from flying insects and the sun's ray

B. Using sunscreen for horses

Horses are prone to sunburn and other skin problems due to their sensitivity to the sun's rays. It's essential to take precautions to preserve your horses' delicate skin when out walking in summer.
Apply horse-specific sun lotions to sensitive areas, such as the nasolabial folds, earlobes and areas of pale skin. These creams provide a protective barrier against nocturnal UV rays. In addition, use fly masks with UV protection to protect equine eyes and facial skin from flying insects and the sun's rays. nasogéniens, les lobes d’oreilles et les zones de peau pâle. Ces crèmes constituent une barrière de protection contre les rayons UV nocturnes. En outre, utilisez des masques anti-mouches avec protection UV pour protéger les yeux et la peau du visage des équidés contre les insectes volants et les rayons solaires.

Itineraries and timetables for summer riding

A. Horse riding itineraries: how to choose the best routes in hot weather

Summer heat can raise temperatures and become potentially dangerous for your horses. That's why it's essential to plan routes that provide protection from the heat.
Choose covered routes or routes at altitude, where temperatures can be cooler. Avoid paths exposed to the sun and hard, hot surfaces such as asphalt roads. Take into account the length of the ride and make sure you have access to water points along the way so your horses can drink regularly.

B. Ideal times for enjoyable summer rides with your horses

Choosing the right time for your summer horse rides can make a significant difference to your horses' comfort. Avoid riding during the hottest hours of the day.
Early morning and late afternoon temperatures are often cooler, making them ideal times for summer riding.

Returning to the stable : Horse care and recovery after summer trail rides

After a summer equestrian tour, it's essential to pay special attention to the care and recovery of your horses.
Give them enough time to recover. Let them rest in the shade and make sure they have access to fresh water to rehydrate. Take time to check their hooves for embedded stones or minor injuries.
Next, give your horses basic grooming, such as brushing and drying, to remove dust, sweat and dirt. This helps prevent skin irritation and keeps the skin healthy. Be sure to cool each part of your horse's body, rinsing with cool water if necessary.

Provide your horses with adequate food after exercise. To help them recover and restore their energy reserves, offer them a quality meal and, if necessary , natural dietary supplements..

Finally, keep a close eye on your horses in the hours following your ride. Watch for signs of fatigue, bloat or other health problems. Consult a veterinarian if you notice anything unusual, so that you can benefit from appropriate assessment and care.
Conclusion !
Summer horseback riding trips offer magical opportunities to get closer to our horses and nature, but careful planning is needed to ensure their safety and well-being. We've found the secrets to a successful summer equestrian adventure by covering several aspects of preparation.
With these practical tips, we can make the most of our summer equestrian adventures while protecting the health and happiness of our beloved equine companions. As responsible and passionate riders, we are constantly striving to prepare our animals in the best possible way, so that they can enjoy unforgettable outdoor experiences, to the rhythm of their majestic strides and in harmony with the beauty of the season.